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James McNally

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Everything posted by James McNally

  1. OK tried again with a vip file which is set to be linux compatible this time! Same error as above though.
  2. May be a partially false alarm - not showing linux support when I look at the package on Windows. If that is the case, a more useful error message would still be good
  3. I've just installed the latest beta on OpenSuse 15.4 but I'm getting errors trying to install packages directly. You can see the problem seems to start with getting the package name when it wants to install it. Then the installation fails. Packages from the repos seem to get further (although I do them have a LabVIEW connection error that I need to sort out)
  4. This is covered in part in various places but I thought it might be useful to have it in one. I've got VIPM running on CentOS 8 but you have to jump through some hoops due to 64 bit, wayland and rpm signing! 1. Install support for the 32 bit RTE on 64 bit by installing the following packages: glibc.i686 libstdc++.i686 libXinerama.i686 libGL.so.1 2. To install the run time engine - you need to remove the digest checks since these have got more strict. In the run time engine folder edit INSTALL so the line that starts RPMOPT includes --nodigest at the end of the string. 3. Now follow the standard install instructions. 4. Before running VIPM run the command "xhost si:localuser:root" to allow the root user to launch a window process. I believe this is due to wayland. Hope that helps someone!
  5. Same issue still in 2018 f2. Appears to be related to a vim in a class. Removing the vim from the class solves the problem. I got that work around from Tom and another at https://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/VI-Package-Manager-Fails-to-Build-with-Malleable-VIs-VIMs/td-p/3871468
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