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Install VIPM on removable drive?


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Can I install VIPM 3.0 on, and run it from, a removable drive such as a USB stick under Windows XP?


If so, will that ensure that no part of the Product and none of JKI's Confidential Information (both as defined in the licence agreement) will be stored on the PC's hard disk?


I ask because if not then there is no way I can honestly accept the licence agreement on my own behalf, which appears to commit me to ensuring the continued confidentiality of that information or getting everyone who could possibly have access to the PC (which is a lot of people) to sign a written agreement accepting the same terms, and I don't have the authority to enter into such an agreement on behalf of my employer.

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Can I install VIPM 3.0 on, and run it from, a removable drive such as a USB stick under Windows XP?

I can't answer your question, but I do have a suggestion. Install VIPM, install the packages you want and then uninstall VIPM.

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Some ideas:


Only install VIPM on a 'personal' computer for development and distribute your applications as executables

Under what terms can people login to your computer? Our company has a statement on the login window that you have to an authorized user.

I think you can relate to these users as so called agents in the VIPM license.

What I find very tricky about those licenses is that you accept them by downloading the software, so the main question is why they are shown when installing them?



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Thanks for the comments. I guess install then uninstall again is an option... each time there's some new OpenG stuff I want to install... just as long as I remember to disable System Restore beforehand so nobody can get it back again...


I wonder how many other users of the free VIPM can swear that they are in complete compliance with this licence agreement?

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Can I install VIPM 3.0 on, and run it from, a removable drive such as a USB stick under Windows XP?


If so, will that ensure that no part of the Product and none of JKI's Confidential Information (both as defined in the licence agreement) will be stored on the PC's hard disk?


I ask because if not then there is no way I can honestly accept the licence agreement on my own behalf, which appears to commit me to ensuring the continued confidentiality of that information or getting everyone who could possibly have access to the PC (which is a lot of people) to sign a written agreement accepting the same terms, and I don't have the authority to enter into such an agreement on behalf of my employer.


Note: I am not a lawyer and the following is not legal advice.


Are the people who have access to the computer employees or contractors for your company? It seams to be a reasonable interpretation of the VIPM license agreement that you can install VIPM Community Edition on a computer that others in your company may access -- these individuals should have signed employment/contractor/NDA agreements that require them to protect the confidential information of the company and it's vendors/clients/partners.



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It seams to be a reasonable interpretation of the VIPM license agreement that you can install VIPM Community Edition on a computer that others in your company may access -- these individuals should have signed employment/contractor/NDA agreements that require them to protect the confidential information of the company and it's vendors/clients/partners.

Hi Jim, thanks for your reply.


You're correct that any computer I install VIPM on should only be accessible by people who have a duty of confidentiality to my employer in respect of any information that comes their way in the course of their employment. However I think there's a grey area in that my licence to use VIPM is a personal one - I have obligations to JKI under that agreement, my colleagues have obligations to my employer, but my employer (which owns the computer on which I would install VIPM) doesn't recognise any obligation to JKI because it is not they who have accepted the licence agreement - in fact it looks as if they couldn't accept it if they wanted to because it's a personal agreement. If I install VIPM on a company computer then leave the company for whatever reason - or if I arrive one morning to find the company has taken the computer and given it to someone else - then I don't have any means of ensuring I remain in compliance with that agreement.


I think I am going to go with the suggestion of uninstalling again after each use, which will be a pain, but I can't complain if I'm getting VIPM free...


I'm sure some people will read this and think I'm over-analysing the problem, or that licence agreements are just boilerplate / stuff the lawyers make you say / unenforceable etc etc. I know that when my employer has someone sign an agreement it's because we mean it, and feel that for the long-term benefit of my health it is safest to assume that others mean what they say too.

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