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Cannot remove Build actions in community edition

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I tried to add Pre-Build and Post-Build action VIs to a package (using Generate VI), and then realized that these actions was only supported in the Pro version of VIPM.

VIPM don't complain when building the package, its just that the actions are never invoked.

That sort of OK, so I just deleted the Pre- and Post action VIs, but now VIPM complains that the files are missing.


Now to the big problem; I cannot remove the links to the files in the build specification. If I try to clear the path, VIPM shows an dialog asking me to upgrade to Pro.


To sumarize; if I use the Community edition I can add Build actions that are never used, but I cannot remove them?



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Glad to know that you are back on track.


I was able to recreate the problem in Pre-Post VI configuration that you had experience. This has been recorded as Case 13533 for consideration to be fixed in the next release of VIPM.


If you happen to be in such situation again, the only way out will be to delete the ".vipb" file that is generated and managed by VIPM in the same folder that you had selected for building the package.


WARNING: All the VI Package Building configuration will be lost if the ".vipb" file is deleted. You will have to redo the configuration.

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